Más poder, más posibilidades, más deprisa, más objetos, más consumo.
Queremos convertirnos en seres mejorados, amplificados, modificados, tuneados. Usar todo lo que tengamos al alcance para ello, intoxicarnos de tecnología, de información, de petróleo, de ruido. Llegar más lejos, más alto, más rápido. Conseguir dejar atrás al viejo homo sapiens que no era nada más que una versión prescindible, una versión venida a menos desde aquella caída que le sacó a patadas de un olvidado paraíso y lo sumió en el pecado y en la desesperación.
Ahora todo va a cambiar gracias a las promesas de excelsos gurús que nos venden el cielo a precio de costo y nos llenan la vida de móviles de última generación, tecnología 5G, redes sociales donde nuestra capacidad de relación se multiplica y una realidad virtual hecha de series, grupos de WhatsApp y juegos inmersivos. Tener una identidad multiplicada mola casi tanto como una capacidad de desplazamiento alimentada con gasolina. Todos somos productores y consumidores de contenido por lo que se consigue la cuadratura del círculo, hemos devenido en consumidores y producto al mismo tiempo. Lo terrible es que no nos contaron el verdadero precio de toda esta fiesta: convertirnos en esclavos y arrasar el planeta. Además lo hicieron bien porque casi nadie se dio cuenta pese a que nuestras cadenas eran evidentes y pese a que el planeta no dejaba de mandar señales claras. ¿Cómo íbamos a reconocer el engaño y volver a lo de antes? ¿Quién sería el valiente de renunciar a su coche y a su teléfono móvil?
Tampoco nos acordamos de Aquiles, Atalanta, Edipo, Ícaro, Jasón. Hemos olvidado las advertencias de Hector, Paris, Pandora y Prometeo, las historias de Sísifo, Tiresias, Atlas y Casandra. En sus vidas experimentaron la desmesura y pagaron por ello, porque la hibris griega es castigada por los dioses con pena capital. En nuestro tiempo además parecen reinar la impaciencia, la impiedad, la imprudencia y la vanidad, lo que empeora con mucho la situación y condicionan un colapso civilizatorio irremisible.
Algunos lo han visto pero sus voces no serán oídas. Los potentes auriculares que la sociedad lleva puestos lo impiden; además estamos a otras cosas.
We want to be gods.
More power, more possibilities, live faster, more goods, more consumption.
We want to become improved, amplified, modified beings. We shall use everything we have within our reach to do so, to become intoxicated with technology, with information, with oil, with noise. To go further, higher, faster. To leave behind the old Homo Sapiens who was nothing more than an expendable version, a version that has been in decline since that old fall that kicked him out of a forgotten paradise and plunged him into sin and despair.
Now everything is going to change thanks to the promises of exalted gurus who sell us heaven at a cost price and fill our lives with the latest generation of mobiles, 5G technology, social networks where our ability to relate multiplies and a virtual reality made of TV series, WhatsApp groups and immersive games. Having a multiplied identity is almost as cool as a gasoline powered ability to travel. We are all producers and consumers of content so we square the circle, we have become consumers and product at the same time. The terrible thing is that they didn't tell us the real price of this whole party: to become slaves and wipe out the planet. Besides, they did it well because almost nobody realized it, even though our chains were evident and even though the planet kept sending out clear signals. How could we recognize the deception and go back to what we were doing before? Who would be the brave one to give up his car and his mobile phone?
Nor do we remember Achilles, Atalanta, Oedipus, Icarus, Jason. We have forgotten the warnings of Hector, Paris, Pandora and Prometheus, the stories of Sisyphus, Tiresias, Atlas and Cassandra. In their lives they experienced the excess and paid for it, because the Greek hibris is punished by the gods with capital punishment. In our time, moreover, impatience, impiety, recklessness and vanity seem to reign, which makes the situation much worse and conditions an irreversible civilisational collapse.
Some have seen it but their voices will not be heard. The powerful headphones that society wears prevent this; we are also at other times.
More power, more possibilities, live faster, more goods, more consumption.
We want to become improved, amplified, modified beings. We shall use everything we have within our reach to do so, to become intoxicated with technology, with information, with oil, with noise. To go further, higher, faster. To leave behind the old Homo Sapiens who was nothing more than an expendable version, a version that has been in decline since that old fall that kicked him out of a forgotten paradise and plunged him into sin and despair.
Now everything is going to change thanks to the promises of exalted gurus who sell us heaven at a cost price and fill our lives with the latest generation of mobiles, 5G technology, social networks where our ability to relate multiplies and a virtual reality made of TV series, WhatsApp groups and immersive games. Having a multiplied identity is almost as cool as a gasoline powered ability to travel. We are all producers and consumers of content so we square the circle, we have become consumers and product at the same time. The terrible thing is that they didn't tell us the real price of this whole party: to become slaves and wipe out the planet. Besides, they did it well because almost nobody realized it, even though our chains were evident and even though the planet kept sending out clear signals. How could we recognize the deception and go back to what we were doing before? Who would be the brave one to give up his car and his mobile phone?
Nor do we remember Achilles, Atalanta, Oedipus, Icarus, Jason. We have forgotten the warnings of Hector, Paris, Pandora and Prometheus, the stories of Sisyphus, Tiresias, Atlas and Cassandra. In their lives they experienced the excess and paid for it, because the Greek hibris is punished by the gods with capital punishment. In our time, moreover, impatience, impiety, recklessness and vanity seem to reign, which makes the situation much worse and conditions an irreversible civilisational collapse.
Some have seen it but their voices will not be heard. The powerful headphones that society wears prevent this; we are also at other times.
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