"Tenemos actualmente buena evidencia científica proveniente de estudios a nivel nacional, regional, local e individual de que una buena atención primaria de salud se asocia con mejores resultados en salud, menores costes y mejor equidad sanitaria."
Barbara Starfield
Una de mis referentes en el campo de la medicina de familia es la profesora Barbara Starfield (1932-2011) impulsora como pocos del papel central de la Atención Primaria en los sistemas sanitarios. Recomiendo tanto a los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud como a los profesionales en ejercicio que la tengan en cuenta.
Barbara Starfield memorial page
Richard Roberts' testimonial to Barbara Starfield June 2011
Curso de Atención Primaria
Curso abierto y gratuito con presentaciones incluidas:http://ocw.jhsph.edu/courses/starfieldcourse/presentations.cfm
Selección de publicaciones
Starfield B. Is patient centered care the same as person focused care. Perm J. 2011 Spring;15(2):63-9Starfield B. The hidden inequity in health care. Int J Equity Health. 2011; 10: 15.pubished online doi: 10.1186/1475-9276-10-15
Starfield B. Family medicine should shape reform, not vice versa. Fam Pract Manag 2009;16:6-7
Starfield B. Toward international primary care reform. CMAJ 2009;180:1091-2
Starfield B. Comprehensiveness of care; consent and importance. Presentation given in New Zealand. 2009 Feb
Starfield B. An evidence base for primary care. Inteview by John Marcille. Manag Care 2008;17:33-9
Rawaf S, De Maeseneer J, Starfield B. From Alma-Ata to Almaty: a new start for primary health care. The Lancet 2008;372:1365-7
Starfield B. Global health equity and primary care. J Am Board Fam Med. 2007 Nov-Dec;20(6):511-3
Starfield B. The future of primary care: refocusing the system. N Engl J Med 2008;359:2087-91.
Starfield B. Pathways of influence on equity in health. Soc Sci Med 2007; 64 (7): 1355-62.
Starfield B, Shi L, Macinko J. Contribution of primary care to health systems and health. Milbank Q 2005; 83: 457-502.
Starfield B, Shi L, Grover A, Macinko J. The effects of specialist supply on populations' health: assessing the evidence. Health Affairs 2005; W5: 97-107
Starfield B, Shi L. Policy-relevant determinants of health: an international perspective. Health Policy 2002; 60: 201-18.
Starfield B. Is primary care essential? Lancet 1994; 344: 1129-33.
Starfield B. Primary care and health: a cross-national comparison. JAMA 1991; 266(15): 2268-71.
Starfield B. Measuring the attainment of primary care. J Med Educ 1979; 54: 361-9.
Starfield B. Measurement of outcome: a proposed scheme. Milbank Q 1974; 52: 39-50.
Starfield B. Health services research: a working model. N Engl J Med 1973; 289: 132-6.
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