
miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

¿Vale de algo bajar la fiebre de los niños?

Fever with temperatures
less than 39°C (102.2°F) in healthy children
generally does not require treatment
. As temperatures
become higher, patients tend to
become more uncomfortable and administration
of antipyretics often makes patients
feel better. Other than providing symptomatic
relief, antipyretic therapy does not change
the course of infectious diseases. Antipyretic
therapy is benefi cial in high-risk patients who
have chronic cardiopulmonary diseases, metabolic
disorders, or neurologic diseases and in
those who are at risk for febrile seizures. Hyperpyrexia
(>41°C [105.8°F]) indicates greater
risk for severe infection and should
always be treated with antipyretics.”

Fiebre menor de 39º en niños sanos generalmente no requiere tratamiento.

¿nos lo creemos?

It depends on which outcomes you look at. Treating fever significantly increases comfort, activity, feeding,
and fl uid intake and decreases the patient’s temperature compared with placebo (strength of recommendation (SOR): A, multiple randomized controlled trial [RCTs]). It doesn’t shorten or prolong the overall duration of illness or reduce the recurrence of febrile seizures (SOR: A, multiple RCTs). In patients with varicella, reducing fever prolongs the time it takes for lesions to crust, but doesn’t appear to cause group A streptococcal necrotizing fasciitis (SOR: B, multiple prospective cohorts). Ibuprofen and acetaminophen reduce
fever eff ectively and safely; their side eff ect levels are similar to placebo (SOR: A, multiple
RCTs). Physical methods of cooling also are eff ective for lowering fever (SOR: A, high-quality meta-analysis).

The Journal of Family Practice, vía Enrique Gavilán

Pueden leer otra visión más divertida del tema, pero no por ello menos científica, de mi colega pediatra Jesús Martinez editor del blog el médico de mi hijo. Su mensaje es claro, ante la fiebre en un niño:  “Mirad al niño y no al termómetro”

Foto: 'Temperamental'

Por cierto si te interesa el mundo de la infancia y de la tecnología vente a Pediatic, o síguenos el sábado 20 de octubre.

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