
viernes, 5 de agosto de 2011

Haikus como propuesta sanadora

En verano nos enfrentamos a retos y maravillas que la bonanza climatológica, la familia y las relaciones sociales nos permiten.

Aprovecho para retomar una vieja costumbre, escribir poesía, que de alguna manera es inherente a todas las personas.

En la poesía se esconden brillos que la prosa no puede contener. Les iré compartiendo este verano.

El té caliente
canta la oropédola
escribo un verso

Todo universo
cabe en este Haiku
incluido tú.

¡Si supiésemos
toda la alegría que se esconde
cuando no somos!

1 comentario:

  1. The self is everything, is a spring, is life, is creation, is giving. The no-self is the negation, is serving without giving oneself up, only giving something external, shallow, only as a "must", as a duty (who imposes that duty only oneself knows... God, your parents, your education...). The verb "to be", the first person, may be conjugated as "I give". The person who IS, also gives, can´t avoid it, can not avoid give oneself up, be generous. Only that who is, who has things inside can give them. Only that who has happiness is able to give happiness, only that who has joy is able to give real, genunine joy. Only that who IS, is able to genuine giving.

    The text: http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/features/2008/06/30/080630fi_fiction_munro?currentPage=1

    Enjoy your summer time!


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